Engineering Empathy
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Susianti Amelia

Engineering Empathy

Susianti Amelia

Kurikulum Course

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    Mandatory Materials (Video Wajib untuk Jurnal) (34:48)

    • Phase 0 - Cultivating a Growth Mindset For Stress Management

    • Phase 1 - The Role of Critical Thinking in Job Search Success

    • Phase 2 - Building Resilience and Connection to Achieve Professional Goals

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    Main Materials (434:51)

    • Being An Adaptable Person

    • Communication Skill

    • Creative Thinking

    • Effective Stress Management

    • Emotional Intelligence

    • Goal Setting and Time Management

    • Growth Mindset

    • Impostor Syndrome

    • Problem Solving

    • Self Esteem

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    Supplementary Material (170:14)

    • Anchoring for Positive Mental & Attitude

    • Brain Dump

    • Five Years Vision

    • Google Calendar Tutorial

    • How to Create a Good Habit During Bootcamp

    • How to Develop Growth Mindset

    • How to Prioritize Your Task

    • How to Reduce Test Anxiety

    • How to Tackle Public Speaking Anxiety

    • Improve Your Productivity with Dopamine "Hack"

    • Learn How to be vulnerable

    • Metakognisi

    • 7 Types of Rest

    • The Benefit of Peer Learning

    • How To Practice Positive Self-Talk

    • How To Be Prepared For Lecture


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Susianti Amelia


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