IT Security Engineer
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Thomas Darmawan

IT Security Engineer

Thomas Darmawan

Kurikulum Course

  • 1

    Pre Test (00:00)

    • Pre Test

  • 2

    Sesi 1 (00:00)

    • Mengenal "Types of cybersecurity threats"

  • 3

    Sesi 2 (00:00)

    • Pengenalan Sistem Operasi dan Deployment Tools

  • 4

    Sesi 3 (00:00)

    • Praktek Tools Attack NMAP

  • 5

    Sesi 4 (00:00)

    • Praktek Tools Attack Metasploit

  • 6

    Sesi 5 (00:00)

    • Praktek simulasi serangan DVWA

  • 7

    Sesi 6 (00:00)

    • Praktek simulasi serangan DVWA #2

  • 8

    Sesi 7 (00:00)

    • Praktek Vulnerabilities scanning

  • 9

    Sesi 8 (00:00)

    • Praktek Vulnerabilities scanning #2

  • 10

    Sesi 9 (00:00)

    • Pengenalan security arsitektur dan design

  • 11

    Sesi 10 (00:00)

    • Design Secure System #1

  • 12

    Sesi 11 (00:00)

    • Design Secure System #2

  • 13

    Sesi 12 (00:00)

    • Security & Regulasi Framework

  • 14

    Sesi 13 (00:00)

    • Operation & Incident Response

  • 15

    Sesi 14 (00:00)

    • Pengenalan dan Deployment Tools SOC

  • 16

    Sesi 15 (00:00)

    • Pengenalan Incident Response

  • 17

    Sesi 16 (00:00)

    • Pengenalan Contoh SOC Playbook

  • 18

    Sesi 17 (00:00)

    • Introduction to Cybersecurity - Governance, risk & compliance (GRC)

  • 19

    Sesi 18 (00:00)

    • Pengantar ISO270001 – Sistem manajemen keamanan informasi (SMKI)

  • 20

    Sesi 19 (00:00)

    • Klausul ISO270001 – Sistem manajemen keamanan informasi (SMKI)

  • 21

    Sesi 20 (00:00)

    • Governance, Risk & Compliance

    • Final Project

  • 22

    Post Test (00:00)

    • Post Test


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Thomas Darmawan


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